About Daily Dracula X
What is this?

Toru Hagihara’s1 Devil’s Castle Dracula X: Rondo of Blood (aka Castlevania: Rondo of Blood) is an action video game— it’s made up of 13 stages of castle-scaling and monster-whipping— and every stage has a number. The whole story happens between Stage 0 and Stage 8. So: Dracula X Daily will post a newsletter for each stage of Dracula X: Rondo of Blood.
Now you can read about someone else playing the video game through email, in small digestible chunks— as it happens to the vampire hunters.
(With apologies to the original Dracula Daily.)
People make this assumption, but Symphony of the Night director and longtime Castlevania series caretaker Koji Igarashi didn’t direct Rondo of Blood! He’s listed in the special thanks section of the credits. He was writing dialogue for Tokimeki Memorial at the time (which he’s said he hated doing), and snuck off to help on Dracula X, where he met his wife. How metafictional! ↩