Daily Dracula X - Stage 5: Toward the Tower Of the Final Showdown (Alternate Path)
The Devil Flies By Night
The alternate path in this stage is very brief, and it’s definitely the “correct” path to take in that you both avoid the very annoying “possessed armory” midboss and get an extra life for your trouble. For this brief interlude, I will sub in Maria.
Scene 1

We’re making a quick stop back in scene 1 to access an area that only Maria can get to. At the start of the stage, fall down the dock and use Maria’s double jump to jump onto the lower level of the dock. Now you can access the candle that was hidden on the first screen. Maria gets a rare weapon, the egg.
When you use this weapon, it’ll… lay an egg. Birds burst from the top of the egg and attack above Maria. Not exactly practical, but Maria hardly even needs her sub-weapons.
Scene 3

The fork in the road should be pretty obvious if you’ve gotten used to breakable objects in this game. Go to the left, break the blocks, and push in the metal girder. On the right of this structure, break the blocks starting from the bottom towards the top, and you’ll be able to jump into the hole you just opened. Look out for the skeleton sniper immediately after you fall.

The ship’s engine is down here, and if you are patient enough to hit it over and over again with no apparent result, you can eventually destroy it. You won’t sink the ship and kill everyone on it, but rather receive an extra life. Lucky you!
The rest of this section is pretty straightforward: just take out some snipers. In the playthrough video I demonstrate the egg’s Item Crash, which makes Maria invincible to the snipers’ gunfire. The real benefit of coming this way is really just to skip the painful battle against the possessed armory. Head up the stairs and you’ll resume Stage 5 as normal.
Next time we’re entering a vicious and grueling boss rush. Get ready to avoid getting hit for a very long time, vampire killers!