Daily Dracula X - Stage 5': Wandering (Alternate Path)
This time you’ll take the hard way to get on the alternate path. Your reward is an even meaner platforming section than last time. If you’re here, after all, the game assumes you’re into it.
Scene 3

This time you’re passing over the same kind of treacherous flipping platforms as in the regular Stage 5’, but also there are bats! The bats are set to go after you in a straight line based on where you are at the moment they appear: just move forward and whip them.

The really mean part is the procession of tiny blocks over a wide-open pit, worthy of late-game Super Mario Brothers. If you take your time here, a bat will interfere with your jumps and kill you. The move here is to cross these blocks as fast as you possibly can. Walk all the way to the edge of each block and jump at the very moment you’re at the right distance. Rush it.
Scene 4
Same as on the regular path.
Scene 5

Since you suffered through cruel platform jumping already, the final scene of the level actually changes to something a little bit more manageable: just a lot of fights against the usual axe and spear knights.
There is nothing here that you haven’t seen before. The last alternate route on the last hidden level actually goes out with a bit of a whimper. Take a deep breath, enjoy the break, and if you were playing along, congratulations on your 100% completion.
Next time we’ll wrap this project up with a nice bow and some final thoughts, such as I’m so tired and I’m never doing this again. See you at the end, vampire killers!