I can't explain GQux without spoilers, so you might just want to go see it yourself, but just in case I wrote 2000 words on it

This is not Hideaki Anno's Gundam, everyone please stop calling it that

I can't explain GQux without spoilers, so you might just want to go see it yourself, but just in case I wrote 2000 words on it

Let’s say it straight out: I’m not typing all those u’s, sorry. We’re going to call GQuuuuuux “GQux” (going by the spoken dialogue, “G-quacks” or “G-qucks” seem acceptable) for the sake of my sanity and fingers. It’s not like this is some sacred point, like the amount of exclamation points used in Keijo!!!!!!!. The creators don’t take it too seriously either.

Second order of business: GQux’s entire story and world are built upon a single massive surprise which the creators have tried not to be too loud about ruining. Do not look up so much as the Wikipedia page for the anime. If you have seen some of the merchandise or read some of the leaked lore, you know to a point what I’m talking about. But I hope that you haven’t, because if you’re any kind of Gundam nerd it’s much better to be surprised by the film itself. I came into the film about 25% spoiled and still had my mind blown by the extent of the surprise, the treat waiting for us.

And I can’t review GQux— I can’t even begin to discuss it— without spoiling that surprise. If you’re reading this and you haven’t seen the movie, I really strongly recommend you close this page, see it when you can and hopefully return to my little thoughts on it. (I have the data, and I can tell you that this literally never happens) To be told what happens second-hand will dilute your enjoyment.

I'm going to space this out with a commentary on the Red Ranger's butt from the actually-delightful "Red Ranger Becomes An Adventurer In Another World"

And you are now warned. This is going to be a subscriber-only piece, and I’m leaving a little space here for you to decide to walk or not. Really, don’t keep reading if you haven’t seen the movie. And don’t blame me if you do.

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