Mahjong Stuff in Pon No Michi, Episode 5: They Tell This Girl They're Gonna Play Mahjong, But Then They Don't

Nothing is impossible in mahjong, though. Play long enough and you will see some things.

Mahjong Stuff in Pon No Michi, Episode 5: They Tell This Girl They're Gonna Play Mahjong, But Then They Don't

Pleased to note that Pon no Michi is now available in my part of the world on the Animation Digital Network Youtube channel. As I have noted, it’s very rare for any full-length TV anime to be skipped for streaming in the Western world these days, and Pon no Michi did not look like the kind of thing to slip through the cracks.

As it relates to this series, I checked the Youtube episodes for errors that I corrected in previous posts, and it seems to me like the people translating this series for Youtube know what they’re talking about and effectively convey the ideas in the dialogue to the viewer without having to resort to actual terminology, which– let’s be honest, high-level riichi players— is overwhelming and confusing.

For the purpose of this series I will continue to use the bad Bilibli subs, because from my point of view, the errors are actually excuses to talk about mahjong. Well then, onwards!

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