Welcome to the Fun Club on Ghost!

If you’re seeing this in your email— and if you subscribed to the old Substack you should be— you’re subscribed to my new newsletter. This is just a test post to make sure everything is working.
Unlike the post where I left Substack, I don’t really have a lot to say to you all here. It is done, and I’m glad. Aside from the provider changing, I don’t see the content of the blog changing all that much. I am working on drafts as we speak, and within the week you should start to see new content. I’m looking forward to starting a new chapter in the new year with you guys!
Right now my drafts are a rather long “play journal” for Granblue Vs. Rising, kind of like my mahjong posts over on Cohost, and a review of the ancient, obscure early 80s robot anime Acrobunch with a “spoiler space” sub-only post to deal with its insane ending.
Drawbacks: I am losing my beloved html footnotes unless I code them myself, and same goes for comments, where I actually have to add a whole other service. I really don't like this because that was one of the perks I gave to paying subs! Let's talk on Cohost I guess!
I’d like to reiterate to my paid subscribers that via the magic of Stripe, your subscriptions have transferred to the new site. You should be able to read paywalled articles here. If you can’t, let me know.
Also, I know that a lot of people I had comped through the Kawaiikochan Patreon have fallen through the cracks due to Substack just kind of booting them off the list completely when their comps ran out! I have tried to reach out through the Patreon, but in the unlikely circumstance that you are a current $5+ Kawaiikochan Patreon sponsor who is reading this and you don’t have access to the paid posts on this blog, please let me know so I can check out your info and comp you. There’s no easy way to do this; it’s just a promise I’ve made myself, and I do it manually.
And that's it. I'll be in touch again soon!